Maintaining Consistency
Once you start a habit and you want it to be part of you for a very long time you enter into a maintenance process. This is where you don’t want to gear off the hard work you put into establishing this positive behavior.
Below are some pointers that will help you in your maintenance journey of Consistency:
1. Don’t Give up even if you make mistakes
2. Take Time Off To Replenish
3.use Motivational tools to keep you going even if you don’t feel like.
4. Hold Your Self Accountable.
1. Keep Going, don’t slow down, and don’t delay the pace. Mistakes or failures are bound to happen, even the most consistent or well-organized people do mistakes sometimes.
-Plan for potential failure and don’t beat your self if you make a mistake along the way. Remember mistakes are simply opportunities to try again and be better than before. More like a wake-up call. It’s shouldn’t scare you.
-just because you don’t make it to the appointment, breaking a promise, or pass a deadline doesn’t mean you are not consistent.
Note, External Factors can be a hindrance
-plan for your setbacks and failures
-Consistency is not a perfection
If you miss a day at the gym or to read your book, encourage your self to start again the next day.
2. Take time off to Recharge:
To be consistent does not mean you should work all the time, trust me if you give your self-time off you will improve productivity and avoid being stressed, give your self some free time.
If you need your Saturday morning to rest shift any significant assignments to another time. The mind and the body works through communication and they know when it’s timed for a break. Give yourself that rest, clear your mind, free your thoughts, have a good sleep and once your body is well-rested it automatically recharges for the next task with full efficiency.
3. If you are feeling down or lazy just try to find your self a new source of motivation, if you are writing a paper give your self 5 or 10 minutes break after 2 pages. During this break, you can play a game or watch a funny video clip or listen to an audio that encourages you to get back on track.
-remind your self of your long term goal, tell your self you have to get the task done.
-If you’re having a difficult day, make a compromise with yourself. For example, if you want to eat healthy more consistently but you can’t bring yourself to cook, pick up a salad instead of fast food.
4. Hold Your Self Accountable
To be consistent you have to make sure that you recognize when you don’t reach the standards and goals that you’ve set. In these moments, consider if your goals are realistic or ask yourself what you can do to improve.
-On your schedule or calendar, check off tasks that you have completed. This will give you a sense of satisfaction. It will also help you realize what you can realistically accomplish in 1 day.
-Ask a friend, family member, mentor, or coworker to be your accountability partner. Have them check in once a week to see what your progress is like. If they see you not behaving consistently, give them permission to call you out.
-Don’t beat yourself up when you don’t hit the mark. What matters is that you keep working towards your goals and towards consistency.
Once you have practiced the process of maintaining consistency and you are familiar with it, the other processes become a lot easier. We maintain good behavior because we want to make the best out of ourselves- that’s the direct focus on achieving greatness.
Part 3 Coming soon
Written: Azeglo Wisdom Seli
Astute Life Coach, CEO of Clique Empire